18 december 2003

Så här i jultider....Dagens barn ler inte när dom besöker Jultomten.. "Kids these days don't smile when they visit Santa Claus, according to research just performed by a noted business school professor. Professor John W. Trinkaus, of the Zicklin School of Business, in New York City, observed children at two large shopping malls and a major department store, noting each child's facial expression as the children visited Santa Claus. Every child was accompanied by a parent or guardian.

What Professor Trinkaus saw surprised and saddened him. More than 95 percent of the children were visibly indifferent or hesitant as they approached Santa. Only one percent of them smiled or showed other signs of happiness. On the other hand, Professor Trinkaus noted, nearly all of the parents were visibly quite happy and excited.." Ur Annals of Improbable Research. HotAIR

Detta blir den sista "nyheten" för i år! Önskar alla en God Jul och ett Gott Nytt År !.
Vi återkommer efter den 9 januari med mera nyheter.