25 april 2006

WormBook-online review of C. elegans biology. "open-access collection of original, peer-reviewed chapters covering topics related to the biology of Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans). WormBook also includes WormMethods, an up-to-date collection of methods and protocols for C. elegans researchers" WormBook is the online text companion to WormBase, the C. elegans model organism database. WormBook contains original reviews on all aspects of C. elegans biology and up-to-date descriptions of technical procedures used to study this animal.
ISSN : 1551-8507 Chief Editor: Martin Chalfie, Professor of Biological Sciences at Columbia University.

Discover Life.."free on-line tools to identify species, share ways to teach and study nature's wonders, report findings, build maps, process images, and contribute to and learn from an encyclopedia of life that now contains 277,756 species. The Polistes Foundation and its scientific partners plan to add high-quality identification guides, maps, images, and webpages for a million species by 2012"

Google Scholar har en ny "sorteringsfiness": Man kan nu sortera svaren även efter "Recent articles." I övre högra hörnet finns detta alternativ bredvid "All articles".
I Google Scholar preferences kan man nu också ange om och hur man vill importera referenser till BibTex, EndNote, RefWorks och RefMan.
Läs mer på Resource Shelf 21 april
(via Resource Shelf 21 april)

Fina bilder! Titta på Visible Earth från NASA. En katalog av bilder och animationer av vår planet.

21 april 2006

Samsök vid Uppsala universitetsbibliotek. Från och med idag, 21 april har vi tillgång till samsök. Läs mer om samsök.

18 april 2006

Microsoft släpper Windows Live Academic (beta). Ännu i sin första fas men kan kanske ge Google Scholar en match på sikt? Innehåller ännu bara material inom: "Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Physics." En fördel är att det finns en tidskriftslista- dock bara med titlar.
(via Resource Shelf 12 April)

JSTOR Tutorials -streaming video- Nu finns "how-to" guider för JSTOR. (Vi har tillgång till många tidskrifter via JSTOR)

10 april 2006

PathFinder: Ny tjänst från Sigma-Aldrich Co "PathFinder is a comprehensive on-line collection of interactive, interconnected maps showing biological signaling. In order to explore the relationships between different pathway elements the individual components are linked with related high quality product information."

06 april 2006

I senaste nummret av Nature (440, ,6 April 2006) om "Tiktaalik" - länken mellan vatten & landdjur? : A Devonian tetrapod-like fish and the evolution of the tetrapod body plan Edward B. Daeschler, Neil H. Shubin and Farish A. Jenkins, Jr.
The pectoral fin of Tiktaalik roseae and the origin of the tetrapod limb
Edward B. Daeschler, Neil H. Shubin and Farish A. Jenkins, Jr.
PalaeontologyA firm step from water to land Av Per Erik Ahlberg EBC & Jennifer A. Clack

05 april 2006

Universal Biological Indexer and Organizer "uBio is an initiative within the science library community to join international efforts to create and utilize a comprehensive and collaborative catalog of known names of all living (and once-living) organisms. The Taxonomic Name Server (TNS) catalogs names and classifications to enable tools that can help users find information on living things using any of the names that may be related to an organism" Här finns också "Nomeclator Zoologicus" Vol 1-10.
Från: The Marine Biological Laboratory . uBio has its origins in the MBLWHOI Library in Woods Hole, Massachusetts and began with funding from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.