29 maj 2007

Darwin Correspondence Project

I dessa Linnétider kan det kanske vara ett bra tillfälle att påminna om ännu en stor man: Darwin. I ett projekt vid Cambridge University samlar man in och gör tillgängligt, Darwins' brev i Darwin Correspondence Project "...To date, the project has located, both in libraries and in private collections, a total of around 14,500 letters exchanged by Darwin and nearly 2000 correspondents around the world between 1821 and his death in 1882..."

28 maj 2007

The TIME 100 | TIME

Tidskriften Time har varje år en Top 100 lista: Årets listade inom kategorin "Scientists and Thinkers" hittar du här: The TIME 100 TIME . Här finns t.ex. Richard Dawkins med på 73:e plats. Andra listade är t.ex. Al Gore på 63:e plats.
(via Scientific American i maj)

23 maj 2007

Lyell Collection: Geological Society Publications Online

Från 17 maj till 18 juni är det gratis tillgång till Lyell Collection: Geological Society Publications Online. -en databs från Geological Society of London.
Lyell Collection är "one of the largest integrated collections of online Earth science literature available. Bringing together Journal of the Geological Society, Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, Special Publications and key book series on a single electronic platform, the Lyell Collection is a unique resource for researcher and student alike. "
(via ResourceShelf 23 maj)


Plantfacts "has merged several digital collections developed at Ohio State University to become an international knowledge bank and multimedia learning center."

Exalead - nu också video search engine ...

I den utmärkta sökmotorn Exalead - kan du nu också söka video. (beta)

21 maj 2007

Criticism of Wikipedia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wikipedia artikel om Wikipedia kritik: Criticism of Wikipedia . En grundlig genomgång av för & emot...

RSS från Science Direct (Elsevier)

Nu kan man äntligen prenumerera på artiklar via RSS från förlaget Elsevier (Science Direct). Ingen registrering behövs, bara klicka på RSS knappen. Bra!

10 maj 2007

Biodiversity Heritage Library

I samband med lanseringen av projektet Encyclopedia of Life -se nedan- startar också Biodiversity Heritage Library- ett samarbetsprojekt mellan " Ten major natural history museum libraries, botanical libraries, and research institutions have joined to form the Biodiversity Heritage Library Project. The group is developing a strategy and operational plan to digitize the published literature of biodiversity held in their respective collections. This literature will be available through a global “biodiversity commons"

Encyclopedia of Life

Ett nytt- och "gigantiskt" projekt har dragit igång: Encyclopedia of Life "the Encyclopedia of Life is an ecosystem of websites that makes all key information about life on Earth accessible to anyone, anywhere in the world. Our goal is to create a constantly evolving encyclopedia that lives on the Internet, with contributions from scientists and amateurs alike. To transform the science of biology, and inspire a new generation of scientists, by aggregating all known data about every living species. And ultimately, to increase our collective understanding of life on Earth, and safeguard the richest possible spectrum of biodiversity"

09 maj 2007

Intute Timeline

Ännu en nyhet från Intute: Timeline . "A selection of notable events from prehistoric times to the present, broken down into separate subject areas and themes. Each timeline contains dozens of key events which have shaped the world as we know it, together with suggested searches for further information. "

03 maj 2007

Map Archive

En stor samling av moderna och äldre kartor finns i Map Archive. Målet är att bli den största online siten för kartor. Kartorna samlas in och publiceras av frivilliga, främst av studenter och universitetslärare.

Etiketter: ,

eigenfactor.org - ranking and mapping scientific journals

Ett annat sätt att visa på "impact" siffror för tidskrifter: eigenfactor.org - ranking and mapping scientific journals "Sponsored by the Bergstrom lab in the Department of Biology at the University of Washington. We aim to develop novel methods for evaluating the influence of scholarly periodicals and for mapping the structure of academic research. We are committed to sharing our findings with interested members of the public, including librarians, journal editors, publishers, and authors of scholarly articles.”

02 maj 2007

PNAS-äntligen tiilgänglig online igen!

Nu fungerar PNAS online igen!
