15 december 2009

Biologibiblioteket flyttar....

Biologibiblioteket stänger 16 december och öppnar igen 11 januari 2010 i nya lokaler. Även denna blogg tar nu ledigt... God Jul & Gott Nytt År önskar vi våra läsare!

Environmental Atlas of Europe

New from Microsoft & European Environmental Agency: Environmental Atlas of Europe.
"The 'Environmental Atlas of Europe', a joint project of the European Environment Agency (EEA), the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and ESA, is a series of short films showing the significance of environmental change depicted in comparisons of stunning satellite images through the years and the different ways people are responding to these changes."
Man behöver installera MS Silverlight för att använda denna atlas.

Etiketter: ,

14 december 2009

Journal TOCs

Ännu en bra tjänst från England: Journal TOCs. Som TicToc, men med utökad sökfunktion. "Here, you can search the latest Table of Contents (TOCs) of 12,750 journals collected from 422 publishers. More journals are added continuously"

08 december 2009

Utforska klimatförändringar i Google Earth

Inför klimatmötet i Köpenhamn (COP15) har Google lanserat några verktyg i GoogleEarth: Utforska klimatförändringar i Google Earth Här har Googel arbetat tillsammans med World Wildlife & Greenpeace


03 december 2009

Visual Search - Bing

Microsofts' sökmotor Bing har också en Visual Search i betatest. Hur bra den är...? I alla fall är den kul att söka med. Fugerar ännu bara i den engelska upplagan


02 december 2009

Top 20 Countries in ALL FIELDS, 1999-August 31, 2009 - ScienceWatch.com

Top 20 Countries in ALL FIELDS, 1999-August 31, 2009 - ScienceWatch.com Sverige på plats 13.
"For the eighth year, ScienceWatch.com presents its annual "Top 20" listings of the countries which, as of the latest bimonthly update of Essential Science IndicatorsSM, achieved particular distinction based on their papers published in Thomson Reuters-indexed journals from January 1999 through August 31, 2009, a 10-year plus 8-month period. The listings are confined to those nations, out of a pool of 148, which published at least 10,000 papers across all fields during the period. Countries are ranked by three separate measures: total citations, number of papers, and cites per paper. (Note: For articles with multiple authors representing different nations, each listed nation receives full, not fractional, citation credit for the given paper.) "

01 december 2009

The Darwin Manuscripts Project

The Darwin Manuscripts Project har lanserats. Här finns ett online arkiv av Darwins orginal anteckningar - målet är att tillgängligöra närmare 10.000 sidor....
