29 mars 2010

Nature News

Nature News Allt material på Nature News är nu fritt tillgängligt

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26 mars 2010

Asian journal of Experimental Biological Sciences

En open access tidskrift: Asian journal of Experimental Biological Sciences

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NCBI - National Center for Biotechnology Information | Facebook

NCBI - National Center for Biotechnology Information Nu på Facebook

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Harvard University on iTunes U.

Nu har Harvard University en egen kanal på iTunes: Harvard University on iTunes U. " Harvard on iTunes U allows the University to distribute world-class educational content to the Harvard community and to the world at large. Watch Michael Sandel give his famous "Justice" lectures, tour a freshman dorm, learn about HIV prevention from scholars at the School of Public Health"
iTunes behövs för att lyssna

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Health and Environmental Research Online (HERO)

En ny databas från EPA (USA): Health and Environmental Research Online (HERO)

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Henry Stewart Talks

Testperiod på Henry Stewart Talks: The Biomedical & Life Sciences Collection. "This collection of specially prepared animated audio visual presentations with synchronized narration by world leading scientists is keeping researchers informed throughout the world. "

24 mars 2010

eScience - Science Tracer Bullet

Undrar du vad e-science är? Här finns en "förklaring" från Library of Congress (USA) eScience - Science Tracer Bullet

23 mars 2010

Periodic table of science blogs

Periodic table of science blogs En sammanställning i form av det periodiska systemet av David Bradley, "science writer" i Sciencebase, 22 mars 2010

17 mars 2010

2010 Mar/Apr - The Hottest Research of 2009 - ScienceWatch.com

Från Thomson Reuters ScienceWatch: 2010 Mar/Apr - The Hottest Research of 2009 "Once again Science Watch takes its annual look back at the hottest of recent research."

16 mars 2010

ebrary: Library Info

En gratisresurs från ebrary: National disaster and extreme weather Searchable information center
“While government agencies house some of the world’s most pertinent information, it is not always easy to search and find the information you need online, especially across multiple websites. Additionally, downloading PDFs, a format used by many government and other agencies for their most important documents, can be extremely cumbersome and frustrating,” said Kevin Sayar, President of ebrary. “Using DASH! (Data Sharing, Fast), and other ebrary services, our staff was able to very quickly and easily aggregate PDF content and develop our new Natural Disaster and Extreme Weather Searchable Information Center"


10 mars 2010

Nytt i Libris- "Fritt online"

Nu är det lättare att hitta fritt åtkomliga fulltexter i Libris med nya avgränsningen på "Fritt online".


Internet growth

En intressant, interaktiv karta över internetanvändningen 1998-2008 från BBC "Visualising the internet"

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05 mars 2010

Gale - Reference Reviews - Péter's Digital Reference Shelf - February 2010 - Microsoft Academic Search

En ingående analys av sökmotorn WolframAlpha i Péter's Digital Reference Shelf - February 2010 -

Search the PopSci Archives | Popular Science

Search the PopSci Archives Popular Science. 137 år av den amerikanska populärvetenskapliga tidskriften Popular Science finns fritt tillgänglig...

100 Time-Saving Search Engines for Serious Scholars

100 Time-Saving Search Engines for Serious Scholars En sammanställning från Online Universities.com. En hel del sökmotorer att testa.

Chilean Tectonics; February earthquake

Chilean tectonics: February earthquake Geological Society - Open Access Collections. Fritt tillgängliga t.o.m. slutet av april 2010

04 mars 2010


En ny interaktiv plattform: ScienceFeed " Sciencefeed is an interactive and dynamic platform - like science itself.Here, scientists, journalists, students, and those with an interest in science, are able to communicate in a way that has no borders. Individuals from all over the world are able to participate and observe, helping to make science accessible to all. "


01 mars 2010

Geological Society - Darwin's Papers

Geological Society - Darwin's Papers (Lyell Collection) är gratis tillgängliga under mars . "The Society has made the papers Darwin published with the Geological Society open access until the end of March 2010. There are 10 papers in all – three in the Transactions of the Geological Society of London and seven in the Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society"

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