30 september 2009

National Center for Biotechnology Information

Preview av PubMed & National Center for Biotechnology Information nya webbdesign

29 september 2009


En tjänst från Missouri Botanical Garden. Tropicos "TROPICOS® was originally created for internal research but has since been made available to the world’s scientific community. All of the nomenclatural, bibliographic, and specimen data accumulated in MBG’s electronic databases during the past 25 years are publicly available here. This system has over one million scientific names and 3.5 million specimen records"



En tjänst från Missouri Botanical Garden. Tropicos "TROPICOS® was originally created for internal research but has since been made available to the world’s scientific community. All of the nomenclatural, bibliographic, and specimen data accumulated in MBG’s electronic databases during the past 25 years are publicly available here. This system has over one million scientific names and 3.5 million specimen records"

Home - Nature Milestones in Cytoskeleton

Nytt "nummer" av Nature Milestones: Cytoskeleton


International Journal of Biological and Life Sciences

International Journal of Biological and Life Sciences En open access, peer-reviewed, tidskrift med fokus på teorier, metoder etc i "Biological and Life Sciences." Publicerad av World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET), Just nu finns desa volymer tillgängliga i PDF:September 2009) Volume 1, Numbers 1-4 (2009) och Volume 2, Number 1 (2010

Metalloproteins : Insight

Ett specialnummer/supplement från Nature Metalloproteins : Insight : Nature Gratis tillgång

Virtual Issue Biotelemetry and Biologging

Ett specialnummer av Journal of Animal Ecology (November 2008): Virtual Issue Biotelemetry and Biologging "This virtual issue of Journal of Animal Ecology brings together recent material published in the journal on the applications of biotelemetry and biologging to a broad range of ecological questions and covers terrestrial, marine and aerial species. Amazing data-sets are coming out of field studies and we cover the developments in data-analysis that are at the vanguard of efforts to make the most of such information, as well as the ecological applications of both established and state-of-the-art devices."

Synthetic Biology

Synthetic Biology and Systems Biology Gateway "Synthetic biology is one of the most dynamic and fascinating subjects at the interface of the physical and life sciences. These papers provide an excellent overview of the subject. Areas covered include DNA synthesis and assembly, the design of genetic networks, microbial systems, artificial life and the ethical, social and economic implications of synthetic biology. " En hel del fritt tillgängligt material Från Royal Society (UK)

28 september 2009

Journals ranked by impact: Geology 2009

Journals ranked by impact: Geology 2009


25 september 2009


Varje år "spår" Thomson Reuters vem/vilka som ska få året nobelpris i medicin, kemi, fysik & ekonomi Här är 2009 års kandidater

24 september 2009

DRIVER Search portal

DRIVER Search portal: "search the European Information Space for Open Access scientific publications. The DRIVER Information Space consists of
1,000,000 documents
found in journal articles dissertations, books, lectures, reports, etc.
harvested regularly from more than 200 institutional or thematic repositories
from 23 European countries
in 25 languages. "
Ett stort europeiskt initiativ

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BioMed Search - Biomedical Image Search Engine

BioMed Search - Biomedical Image Search Engine Sök bland mer än en million bilder. BioMed Search söker bilder, tabeller & grafiska framställningar från artiklar. Skapad av Alex Ksikes, doktorand vid universitetet i Cambridge.

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22 september 2009


Ännu en ny sökmotor: struly.com En "metasökmotor" som fungerar bra.

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17 september 2009

Future Internet - MDPI

En ny Open Access tidskrift med artiklar om framtidens internet: Future Internet - MDPI

Bing vs. Google

Vill du jämföra Bing & Google? Här kan du göra det

Australian Research Online

Australian Research Online. Portal till "321,348 Australian research outputs, including theses; preprints; postprints; journal articles; book chapters; music recordings and pictures." Tjänsten hette tidigare Arrow

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16 september 2009


ResearchGATE : "ResearchGATE is the leading professional network for scientists.It's free of charge and designed to meet researchers' needs. David Bradley från Sciencebase scienceblog skriver bl.a.: "ResearchGate today launches its Self­Archiving Repository, which could provide members with free access to potentially millions of research papers without the obstacle of library subscriptions or the financial barrier of pay-per-view. It’s almost like ResearchGate is set to do for journal article what Spotify, Last.fm, and Pandora have done for music – a quick search and you can access the content you want instantly without a fee."


14 september 2009

Sökmotorer- då och nu

En kul post: "Popular search engines in the 90's: then and now"
Av Jacob Gube från bloggen Six Revisions via Phil Bradley's webblogg

KartOO : The First Interface Mapping Metasearch Engine

Den "visuella" sökmotorn Kartoo har fått ett nytt utseende och nya funktioner: KartOO : The First Interface Mapping Metasearch Engine.

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OpenWetWare "OpenWetWare is an effort to promote the sharing of information, know-how, and wisdom among researchers and groups who are working in biology & biological engineering"

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11 september 2009

PubMed Central Releases New Search Option for Embargoed Articles. NLM Technical Bulletin. 2009 Sep–Oct

Nu kan man söka även efter artiklar som ännu inte är "fria" i PubMed: PubMed Central Releases New Search Option for Embargoed Articles. NLM Technical Bulletin. 2009 Sep–Oct

10 september 2009

MIT Course Materials | Biology | MIT OpenCourseWare

Glöm inte att titta på Massachusetts Institute of Technology online kurser: Biology MIT OpenCourseWare. Gratis tillgängliga kurser med mycket multimedia material...

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09 september 2009

Darwin Symposium 2009 - Uppsala University

26-27 oktober: Darwin Symposium 2009 - Uppsala University

PLoS Currents: Influenza - a collection by PLoS

En infosida från Public Library of Science: med det senaste: PLoS Currents: Influenza - a collection by PLoS

03 september 2009


"PhenomicDB is a multi-organism phenotype-genotype database including human, mouse, fruit fly, C.elegans, and other model organisms.
The inclusion of gene indeces (NCBI Gene) and orthologues (same gene in different organisms) from HomoloGene allows to compare phenotypes of a given gene over many organisms simultaneously.
PhenomicDB contains data from publicly available primary databases: FlyBase, Flyrnai.org, WormBase, Phenobank, CYGD, MatDB, OMIM, MGI, ZFIN, SGD, DictyBase, NCBI Gene, and HomoloGene."

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